I am working on a collection of poems for my new book, ‘How Hot It Be in Hell’. I’m hoping to have it available for purchase in July. Right now, I’m in the revision process.
This will feature a darker collection of poems than my previous books. When I say darker I don’t mean blacker. This collection deals more with the bleaker side of life. I didn’t plan this, it just came out that way. As I said, it should be available sometime next month, I will keep you informed.
In the meantime, if you haven’t done so, I have two previous poetry collections available on Amazon; ‘Boy, Kant You Read’ and ‘Eating ‘Round the Toilet Stool’ available for your reading pleasure.
Visit me at aubpoem.com, Follow my blog, and don’t forget to leave a review on Amazon, I would love to get your honest opinion of my work.
Thank you,